Friday, November 20, 2009

vocab test

Your Vocabulary Test Results
You scored higher than 79% of all students for this test! You answered 16 / 20 correctly on the first try.

Definitions Level E Unit 1 Test Completed: November 20, 7:17:58 AM CST

Thursday, November 5, 2009

restaurant critique

My favorite restaurant would have to be Olive Garden. Olive Garden is one of the best restaurants because, you Can get endless salad and bread sticks and there salad is the best ever because they have the best dressing ever that is already in the salad. The food there always lays so well on the plate and the herbs that are on the food make it so good. They have the best dessert ever! You can get this one piece of pie that has three different types of chocolate in it and there milk sakes are amazing they are tall and you can get whatever favor you want.
Although Olive Garden maybe a little bit more money than some of the other restaurants the atmosphere is great all of the people there are really nice the waiters are always there when you need a new refill and if you want a little more cheese on your salad they are there to give it to you and even though you may be the biggest pain in the world when it comes to refills they will always have a smile on there faces and and ready to serve you. The people there don't bother you every time i have gone there the people there are really nice and the walls and really make you think that you are in Italy. This place is way better than a fast food place this is like more of a classy restaurant than anything.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Horror story
“Donny, dinner is ready!” yelled his mom. Donny was at the top of the stairs, he was about to come down when all of a sudden someone came up behind him and threw him down the flight of stairs. He tumbled, flipped and spun down the stairs. His mom came rushing into the room and saw her son all beaten up. She rushed to the phone and dialed 911. The ambulance came rushing into the house. The paramedics were shocked and puzzled at how hurt he was just from falling down a flight of 10 stairs.As they rushed him to the hospital he was still unconscious. When Donny finally woke up he saw other beds in the room. He also saw curtains, heard some loud machines, intravenous poles, medicine, and the most important thing, one of his best friends and cousin, Ronny was in the bed next to him. They both were up and started talking. They were curious about the events that led to both of them in the same hospital at the same time. Ronny was camping with his girlfriend. They were just sitting there at the campsite, around the campfire roasting marshmallows. All of a sudden they hear this very familiar voice, but they couldn’t really figure out who it was. The voice bellowed in a loud and eerie tone, “Are you ready to run!” Ronny didn’t know what to think. His first impulse was to leap to his feet and run as far as he possibly could from the terrifying voice! Ironically he couldn’t get up; he was paralyzed with fear and felt as if his body was stuck to the chair. Then his thoughts shifted to his girlfriend. Suddenly he realized she was not anywhere near him. Where did she go? Did she manage to get somewhere safe? As these thoughts were going through Ronny’s head, he was jolted back to the moment when he saw a masked figure dressed completely in black appear out of nowhere. This ominous figure was right by their RV holding a meat cleaver overhead. Ronny was so scared he began crying out for help. In the meanwhile, his girlfriend had managed to escape the immediate area and was out trying to find a place to call the police. However, the closest place was at least a mile away. The intruder came right up to Ronny and struck at his leg with the knife. He was suddenly overcome with searing pain and he felt himself drift into shock. Then Ronny realize that the guy was about to do the same to his other leg or worse and try to chop it off. Ronny knew he had to act quickly. He tried to grasp whatever he could of this demented and deranged person, but he was not able to get a good hold. Then out of the blue the sound of a faint siren could be heard in the background. It appeared as if it was coming toward them. The roar of the siren was getting louder and louder. Ronny thought to himself if just hold on a few more minutes then the paramedics will save me. When the medics got there they were surprised at how much blood he lost and how could anyone survive this horrible thing. Ronny knew before he passed out that he would be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.About a week later both of the boys were able to go home. They were so excited to be in the comfort of their own bed and not have to have the tubes of medicine in their arm any longer. Their parents were even more excited, because they were safely at home. They could monitor where they were and who was there to visit them. It wasn’t long after that, on the night of December 14 that the boys go together again and tried to piece thing together. The night was dark and very snowy. The wind was blowing through the trees and the faint whistle could be heard through the windows. Walter one of Ronny and Donny’s friend stopped by to see how they were feeling. Ronny’s legs were so red and sore, they hurt to the touch. Just thinking about moving his legs made him want to scream at the top of his lungs. Walter and Donny were just sitting there talking about the accident and who they thought might have done it. They never found out who really did do it. Then, Walter changed the subject. They then talked about Ronny and his accident. Donny felt bad for Ronny even though it wasn’t as bad as his still being paralyzed it was a major thing. The next day, Walter made his way to Ronny’s house. Ronny’s mom answered the door; she was surprised to see that it was Walter. Ronny’s neck was sore from his fall down the flight of stairs. Ronny sat up on the couch to give Walter a hug. Ronny was in pain and Walter could see it. Little did anyone realize that in Walter’s mind this was the right where he wanted the boys to be, in pain.Then there was another knock at the door and it was Ronny and his parents for the weekly family dinner. Walter invited the boys for a ride while their parents were fixing up dinner. The boys said they would love to and their parents said yes because Walter was their friend and was a very trustable guy. So they got into the car.They were still driving over an hour later. The boys began to get concerned. Ronny looked out of the frost bitten window and all he saw was corn fields. They heard the sounds of owls hooting in the background and the howls of coyotes. All of a sudden Walter stopped the car. They could hear the tires squeal and they saw a big cloud of smoke come up behind them. The boys knew then that they weren’t turning around. They were going to get thrown out. Then in came into there mind that Walter must have done this to them. Walter came and grabbed Ronny and Donny out of the car and one at a time he carried them up the steps to the top of the Cry Baby Bridge. They were both screaming and asking each other what is going on. Walter threw the boys on the bridge which was covered in snow and ice. He struck them hard every time one of them would try to talk. They both were balling their eyes out. They didn’t want to die; they just got out of the hospital. It was so cold that their tears froze to their cheeks.Walter was getting really violent. He had reach his breaking point and wasn’t able to tolerate what he considered their crying and whining any longer. He just snapped. He reached down and picked up Donny and threw him head first over the bridge. As he was falling you could hear his blood curling scream all the way down. Once he was towards the bottom of the bridge you could hear his body hit the ice covered water. The sound of the ice cracking was deafening. Then a huge splash came up and Walter knew that Donny was drowning in the water. The realization that he was next made Ronny begin to shake uncontrollably as he started crying. Walter screamed at Ronny and told him to shut up. “That is going to be you next so shut your fat loud mouth!” Walter threatened. Ronny started balling again. He didn’t want to die and his best friend and the one he secretly loved was dying and he couldn’t help him. Ronny began to crawl to the edge of the bridge. While Ronny looked over the bridge, Walter came up to Ronny and said “Now it is your turn to die!” Walter kicked him over the side into the water. Ronny then attempted to swim to Donny’s body, he saw nothing there and felt the water slowly start to freeze over his body. So he was frantically looking for him and the last time he looked up Walter was standing right above them, watching them suffer in the ice cold water and slowly start to die. When Walter didn’t see the boys anymore he began to walk back to his car. He sat in the car and began to question himself about what he just done. Then he thought to himself of the time when his family was attacked by a wheelchair on the highway. Walter now remembered why he hated people in wheelchairs so much. When Kyla heard about the news of her best friend dying she was outside throwing sticks. She had been throwing sticks ever since she was a little kid. When she was 9 she had tried other sports and activities. She tried to swim but she could never get farther than the doggy paddle. She tried fencing but her short temper made it too dangerous. She wasn’t enough in shape to play soccer. She finally tried to throw javelins. She has seen the Javelin throwers on television and she knew right away what she wanted to do when she was older. Kyla spent hours outside throwing sticks like javelins and she even started lifting weights at the YMCA by her house. She was starting to become known by how good she was getting. Everyone began to know her as the girl with Down syndrome. The Special Olympics sent her a letter asking her to join their organization. Kyla got a plane to Alaska as soon as she got the letter to go. Her flight was delayed a couple hours because of all the snow. Once she finally got there she stared to throw. She flew through the first round by setting a new Special Olympic Javelin Throwing record. Her arm got so sore that she thought it was going to fall off.Walter and Zach, one of Walters’s friends, went to go see Kyla at the Special Olympics. Zach was one of Walters victims from one of his other murders, but Zach didn’t die. He just had some scrapes and bruises.As the story goes, one night Zach invited Walter come over to his house. Walter arrived at Zach’s moments after it began to rain. Zach noticed that Walter was beginning to act suspicious. Zach asked Walter if he needed a something to eat or drink. Walter said that a glass of water would be nice. While Zach was getting the water Walter noticed a set of knives in the kitchen. All of a sudden there was a strike of lightning and a rumble of thunder, and then the lights went out. Zach stopped what he was doing and started messing with the lights and began to panic, because he was afraid of the dark. Zach was screaming for Walters help, but he never answered. Zach heard foot steps getting closer, “Walter?” Zach called out. He could see a dark figure standing there with an object shining when the lightening struck. “Walter?” Zach asked again, the dark figure started to get closer. Zach panicked and started pushing his wheelchair forward. Zach went to the farthest par of his house and stopped and turned around, watching the dark figure move forward more and more. When the figure stopped at the doorway Zach stood up and started screaming. Then the lights came on. Walter was standing there speechless. Zach said he was sorry and told Walter to leave. Walter had never killed someone who wasn’t in a wheelchair and knew that Zach was going to the Special Olympics and he would have another chance to kill Zach.So for the Special Olympics, Zach acted like he was paraplegic. Zach was thinking to himself that Walter already killed everybody in the group but him and Kyla. Zach focused his thoughts on various ways that he could kill Walter. Walter was such a horrible man how could any person in their right mind kill all of those people and not get caught. Zach was thinking up of plans to kill Walter while at Kyla’s game. Maybe with a knife, toss him into the swimming pool, push him out in the shooting range. No Zach thought of the best use Kyla herself. Have her throw the javelin at Walter. That would be perfect.The next day when Kyla arrived at the Special Olympics, Kyla’s event was about to start. Walter could hear his stomach gargle, and decided to go to the concession stand to buy some food. While he was waiting in line, Zach saw him and tried to sneak up behind him. He walked slowly with a newspaper in his face as if reading to get closer. Then he worked he way into the crowd and began walking behind a person that was heading in that direction. Zach grew nervous and felt he would get caught so he got on his knees and started crawling towards him. While he was crawling he had to swerve around people in lines almost knocking people down from hitting their knees as he tried to get closer to him. Over to the side he saw a rope and crawled over to grab it to see if he could possibly use it to choke Walter. So Zach crawled back to where Walter was. As Walter looked up at the menu he saw a mirror. In the mirror he saw Zach holding a huge rope. Walter turned around quickly and pulled out a butcher knife. Zach took off running. He does not know where to go so he jumped over a railing in to the field for the Special Olympics. He runs right into the javelin throwing field. Zach stops and pulls out a samurai sword. Walter was running but stopped five feet from Zach to prepare to hit Zach with the very sharp butcher knife. Zach realizes what is happening and said, “I’ve got a samurai sword. You will never beat me!”Then Walter swung his butcher knife and cut Zach’s sword in half. Zach realizes that his sword is not good enough to defeat Walters’s knife. Then they start walking in circles pointing their knives at each other even know Zach knows that his samurai sword is not as good as Walter’s butcher knife.Kyla’s turn at throwing had arrived as she saw Zach and Walter. She had to throw a long distance in order to stay in the competition, but she had a different motive when she saw Zach and Walter with knives in their hands on the javelin field. She knew what Walter had done. Kyla threw the javelin as hard and as far as she could. As the javelin was soaring through the air it caught wind and changed its path and Walter was right in the path where it stuck Walter’s eye and then the javelin went straight through Zach’s heart. Zach died right away and Walter just laid there for a minute laughing at the handicapped people. Then Walter started coughing up blood and passed out and died. Kyla felt so good for killing Walter, but even better for winning the Special Olympics. She won for throwing the farthest distance of all time. When she found out she broke her own record she had a seizure which caused her to throw the javelin straight up in the air. While she stood there waiting for the javelin to come back down she was jumping up and down. When the javelin finally came back down she was distracted and it hit her straight down middle of her head and went all the way through her body. She died standing straight up.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Greenhouse lady
It was 6:04 in the morning of Friday, October 15, 2020; Alexa was frantically running thought the woods stepping on leaves that sound like little twigs snapping, smelling the fresh crisp air of the morning. As she was edging towards the end of her run she heard the drum beat of the water and saw her brown space ship shaped house. It sat on top of the water fall and had five different sections, but the room she spent most of her time in was her greenhouse she has the best well kept plants and experiments. If anything where to ever happen to that she would go into a deep state of depression
As Alexa entered her house she saw there was a gift that was wrapped in red paper that had a black sparkly ribbon tied into a big bow with a note attached to it, it said it was from Nate. Nate and Alexa had been friends ever since kindergarten. She opened the note it said meet me at 0214 W. Maplewood Dr. at 7:00 tonight ps. Wear the gift tonight.
Alexa opened the gift it was a beautiful yellow dress that was long with sparkles and white lace on it. Alexa said I have the perfect shoes that would match this perfectly. Alexa turned to look at the time it said 8:00 am so she said I have plenty of time I am going to go watch a little TV. As she walked into the living room which was in the third section of the house she sat on the couch and turned on the TV to channel 60 which was mtv. She saw that the show cribs was on, that is her favorite show. Alexa grew more and more tired, she fell into a deep sleep and dreamt of Nate proposing to her she has always had a deep crush on him but what she didn’t know was that he to felt the same way towards her too.
Alexa slowly awakened and went into the kitchen and everything in there is made of technology so all she has to do is touch a bottom and she had whatever she wants. So she pressed the numbers 3259701 which gives her a banana split. This was one of the early creations that she had come up with. Alexa glanced at the time it said 4:30 pm “oh my I am not going to have enough time to get ready.”
She rushed to her room and put her dress on her bed, went into the bathroom turned the hot and cold knob to the middle and hopped in. It was about a half an hour later she got out and though her pink fuzzy robe on and went into her room and sat at her makeup stand and curled her hair and did her makeup by the time she was done it was 6:05 so she put her dress on and it fit her to the T it matched her skin complexion and made her eyes pop! She walked over to her closet and found he yellow and white high heels that had diamonds on it that shaped the shoe. She also had on a diamond necklace and bracelet and earrings. “BEEP, BEEP!” What? She walked over to her hour glass shaped window and looked below her and it was a hummer stretched limo!
As the limo was passing all of these big buildings that looked like they belonged in New York City. She saw a crowd of mostly men who were wearing mostly black tuxes and they had whit hair with long beards and they all kind of looked the same in away like Albert Einstein.
Alexa got out of the limo and saw Nate looking at her and he came and got her. He was wearing a yellow tie with a yellow vest he said I picked the perfect dress for you, you look beautiful!
As Nate took her to the door she kept asking all kinds of questions like, why are we here. What is all of this about? Nate would not answer any of her questions until we entered the top of the stairs and a room full of people and he took me up to the stage and sat me in a chair next to him. The chairs were wooden and squeaky the room, it was beautiful, it had red carpet, and movie theater seats and the walls had paintings by Michael Angelo. The room viciously filled up with all those people that were standing outside.
Nate finally told me why we were here and he said now the reason why I didn’t tell you this was because I thought that you would not come if I would have told you this before. so the main reason why you are here is because well remember that one experiment when you thought you had found the cure for diabetes “yes” well you have the chance to prove that now. So here is your chance.
The person that sat on the other side of me got up and stood in front of the alter, and said will you all take your seats please! I would like to introduce to Alexa Green Alexa walked to the alter and there were already people asking questions. Like how long did it take you to do your conclusion, or they said what was in your experiment, or the most asked question was why did you want to do this type of experiment? The final statement was given by the head of all those people and he said if you were to redo the whole experiment and videotape everything that you do and prove your experiment you will get the Nobel Prize. Now do you except or reject? I expect!
Nate came and got Alexa and they exited through the two French doors. They got into the limo and he took her home, as she entered the house she grabbed her video camera and her test tubes and went into her greenhouse and went to work. She stayed up all night and the whole next day working on that experiment. She just couldn’t remember what she did in the experiment. Until she had a sudden rush of brain power and she ran to her room and got her black box from underneath her bed and there it was the answers to everything that she needed. She rushed down stairs and put everything together in the video and she was finally done. She went to bed and when she got up she had listened to her voicemail and she had 54 messages on her phone and they were all from Todd saying he was going to burn her house down and join the mafia. each message got worse and worse each time. She called Nate and told him, he said everything is going to be ok just go on your morning run and I will call him and she said ok. So Alexa grabbed her I-pod and went on her run.
Meanwhile Nate called Todd and he of cores would not answer any of the calls that he sent him.
When Alexa got home from the run she saw black fog in the air and smelled something and as she approached her house she saw it her house it was on fire and she called the fire department and as they arrived and put the fire out she called Nate and told him everything that happened she was crying on the phone saying everything I did and all my hard work is gone and I will never be able to get the Nobel Prize. Nate said do you have any clue as to who did this? Alexa said right off the bat that it was Todd and he said do you want me to call the cops and file a report? She said no. I am just going to go on a walk.
Alexa paused at the crest of the hill to look at the valley below her tired and blistered feet. She looked out at the burned craters in the ground between the splinted and topped trees. The wind stirred and brought clattering away on the porched ground. Alexa sighed deeply and thought could all this be worth it?

Friday, October 2, 2009

My preferences

I prefer gatorade over water
I prefer tennis shoes over sandles
I prefer pens over pencils
I prefer active over lazy
I prefer beaches over mountains
I prefer four wheelers over dirt bikes
I prefer biology over physical science
I prefer softball over baseball
I prefer nights over days
I prefer sun over darkness
I prefer high school over middle school
I prefer friends over foes
I prefer vinella over chocolate
I prefer being strong rather than being week
I prefer going to college rather than having a low education
I prefer music over quite
I prefer cars over walking
I prefer organization over clutered
I prefer being on time rather than being late
I prefer sleeping in rather than getting up early